Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Holiday Vacation

Vacations are tricky for those with lots of hobbies and full time jobs.  On the one hand its a chance to travel/see family/relax/etc.  on the other, all you want to do is spend time on your hobbies.  I was lucky enough that this vacation I was able to do both.

My parents and youngest sister came down to celebrate Christmas with my wife and me.  This year the big gift went to my sisters, both receiving a fairly portable set of bookshelves.  For Libby the gift was some time in the shop making her own.

Both "received" their gifts(oak/picture of oak) a little early, even though the actual bookshelves still aren't done yet.  To streamline the process for Libby, I decided to build Carly's alongside (the fact that I was too busy with other project had nothing to to with it not getting done before the holidays).

Once again I didn't take many pictures along the way, but we made pretty good progress and actually got the dye and stain on the bookshelves before Libby had to go back to school.

 Of course things didn't go perfectly and someone ended up needed stitches.  Luckily it was not my little sister.  Remember to secure your work piece when paring your mortises.  The good news is I should be able to remember the date of my last tetanus shot a little easier...Christmas 2013.  We did use plenty of safe practices while sanding.

They flew back to Rochester, and I started finishing Carly's and even got to work a little on the bookcase I get to keep.  I am taking a very hybrid approach on this project, I drilled holes for the mortises, and removed most of the waste with a jigsaw.  Then went back and cleaned them up with chisels.  The plan is to get this dyed by the weekend so I can spray shellac on all three at once.