Friday, January 31, 2014

2013 Projects Part 2

The second half of the year consisted mostly of working, running, and flooring.  No one likes pictures or descriptions of cubicles or me drenched in sweat, so instead some pictures of flooring:

First three rows

A little further along
Floor complete
Eventually the upstairs was completed.  The stairs look a little longer has I had to make the bullnose out of solid hickory, then get the stain to match.
First Flight

Second flight and hall
The three astute readers may notice the appearance of a green chimney cupboard upstairs.  I finally finished the hand tool only chimney cupboard.  This project was actually a lot of fun, but I will not do it with BORG pine mystery-wood again, that was a mistake.

With the exception of the Dutch Tool Chest and  bookshelves in upcoming posts, that wraps up woodworking in 2013.

Monday, January 20, 2014

No woodworking this weekend

This weekend we finally were able to see the results of last 7 or so months of work.  Both Christy and I ran the Chevron Marathon on the 19th.  We both managed to run the whole time (not counting a a couple Gatorade/water stations, its just easier to drink when you slow down a little), and we also did a pretty good job of maintaining our split times.  Christy averaged 10:52 min/mile and finishing in 4:44:46, and I averaged a 9:04 min/mile and finished at 3:57:42.  Both meeting our goals of <5 hrs and <4 hrs respectively.  We are both sore (obviously) but feel great about our accomplishment.  This also frees up nights and weekends just a little.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Projects from 2013

Lots of people make resolutions around the first of the year.  I don't really like the whole resolution thing, as it never seems to stick.  One thing I do think about is all the projects I want to build, or complete since there are still a few lingering at various stages.  Soon enough the list of projects I want to build reaches some unobtainable number in 10 years let alone 1 year.  To make myself feel better I then have to make a list of all the projects I've completed, its not as long, but still impressive enough that the to-do list is less intimidating.  All this rambling is leading towards something....the list of project I completed in 2013:

By the end of 2012 I had finished my workbench and reorganized the shop.  To help accommodate the new layout I needed a new lathe stand:
Then started to make everything round:
Tap handle, chisel handle, and peppermill

Bottle bottle opener

Started to play with the mahogany again:
Spice Rack

Roorkhee Chair progress

Then decided to practice my dovetails:
Pine; ready to go

The beginning of 142 dovetails

Quick graduation gift (with a new the LA Jack)

Finally completed the Roorkhee chairs and bookcase in May
Christy, dutifully trying out the new chairs

Starting to load the bookcase
And then broke into the special walnut I brought down from Boise

Bookmatched crotch walnut for the top
Top Shaped and finished
Completed table
After that work got crazy, we started training for the marathon, oh and the ceiling fell down...and the floor got ripped up....

Just a minor leak causes a big hole

Why not just replace the carpet while we're at it?
So the project I had been avoiding, a hand tool only chimney cupboard, was pushed back a little further

Thicknessing the back panel

Kiska does not seem concerned about the delay
Whew....that's probably enough for one post.  I will post the remaining 2013 projects in a few days.  I guess I did quite a few projects in 2013.  Hopefully 2014 is at least as productive