Monday, January 20, 2014

No woodworking this weekend

This weekend we finally were able to see the results of last 7 or so months of work.  Both Christy and I ran the Chevron Marathon on the 19th.  We both managed to run the whole time (not counting a a couple Gatorade/water stations, its just easier to drink when you slow down a little), and we also did a pretty good job of maintaining our split times.  Christy averaged 10:52 min/mile and finishing in 4:44:46, and I averaged a 9:04 min/mile and finished at 3:57:42.  Both meeting our goals of <5 hrs and <4 hrs respectively.  We are both sore (obviously) but feel great about our accomplishment.  This also frees up nights and weekends just a little.

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